Monday fun-day!! yeah right
guess what guess what... i was NOT late to work today, that's a first in weeks umm months ?
lol anyway so i am in desperate need of a trim but Ive been procrastination because every inch counts when you are trying to grow out you hair like ma am here ... tomorrow is the day though I'm gonna take some centimeters just so i won't get spit ends but nothing else look out for results on tomorrows post
So today my amazing sissy made this awesome ice cream with help from her new gifted ice cream maker. Her hubby bought it for her, ain't he the sweetest!! check out the awesomeness here. and of course younger sissy and i had to try the delicious results trust it was ice cream heaven !!
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
singles ward with mr. j
Told me he would pick me up around 12:30
He was right on time
he rang the door bell and i was still putting my shoes on and trying to find my scriptures
my sister opened the door for him
when i came out he told me i looked nice
i told him he was looking nice himself
that was and understatement... he always looks gorgeous
he opened my car door i said thanks and got in
he said "um your dress is... " when i got in his car my skirt was hanging off the seat a lil bit and he didn't want to shut the door on it aww so thoughtful
bishop asked him to do the opening prayer
thought it was cute that he was nervous, he did great
sacrament meeting went well
cant wait to see him again :)
He was right on time
he rang the door bell and i was still putting my shoes on and trying to find my scriptures
my sister opened the door for him
when i came out he told me i looked nice
i told him he was looking nice himself
that was and understatement... he always looks gorgeous
he opened my car door i said thanks and got in
he said "um your dress is... " when i got in his car my skirt was hanging off the seat a lil bit and he didn't want to shut the door on it aww so thoughtful
bishop asked him to do the opening prayer
thought it was cute that he was nervous, he did great
sacrament meeting went well
cant wait to see him again :)
Saturday, February 26, 2011
The sweetest thing ive ever know
This amazing chica who used to be my camp leader when i was younger introduced me to the loveliest guy i ever laid eyes on. He is talk dark... (haired) and handsome and i can't get enough of him. It's not just the fact that he's just physically appealing, he is also a gentleman smart and very driven it seems. Everything that he talks about is so interesting to me. Plus he makes me smile :). i feel like a silly little twelve year old when he looks at me, i just don't know what to do with myself and i love it ! I can't wait to know everything about him. Every time he calls or text me i get the biggest grin on my face. It's so refreshing to meet a guy like this.
my life
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
soaked in regret
Not really, its just a song i was listening to on pandora
So today i got news that i will have 2 weekdays off instead off one... hmm what shall i do with two extra days??
ugh ...talking to your ex about business like things such as him giving you your car back or paying you moneys is not my idea of a good time ...sadly i think that's what my day off will consist of ekkkk dreadful... E-(
I'm satisfied with doing yoga or Pilate's everyday for the rest of my days but i know i gotta get in there and do some hardcore work outs if I'm planning on getting these abs I've been talking about ... sooooo not motivated right about now! i need a gym buddy
okay enough ADD ramblings here is what you all are waiting for my outfit issss ....
wait for it ...
ignore my red eyes please i thinks it's my contacts they are not as breathable as they claim
im in love with this plum color on my nails its by santee forgot the name but ill get back to you guys on that if anybody cares for it...
okay im off to natives for 30 cent wing... it's Tuesday baby im gonna grub!! omnomnom
So today i got news that i will have 2 weekdays off instead off one... hmm what shall i do with two extra days??
ugh ...talking to your ex about business like things such as him giving you your car back or paying you moneys is not my idea of a good time ...sadly i think that's what my day off will consist of ekkkk dreadful... E-(
I'm satisfied with doing yoga or Pilate's everyday for the rest of my days but i know i gotta get in there and do some hardcore work outs if I'm planning on getting these abs I've been talking about ... sooooo not motivated right about now! i need a gym buddy
okay enough ADD ramblings here is what you all are waiting for my outfit issss ....
wait for it ...
ignore my red eyes please i thinks it's my contacts they are not as breathable as they claim
im in love with this plum color on my nails its by santee forgot the name but ill get back to you guys on that if anybody cares for it...
okay im off to natives for 30 cent wing... it's Tuesday baby im gonna grub!! omnomnom
outfit of the day
Monday, February 21, 2011
Name Brand Haul and gym thrills
Consigment shopping with the fam bam on sunday was very relaxing. I ended up finding some pretty cute stuff. Here is what i found
Can you tell I'm ready for summer ?? each item i bought was under ten bucks so all together around fifty ... that's pretty good seeing that I'm already thinking of all the outfits that will come out of these suckers.
I'm excited for summer.... laying out by the pool soaking in the sun i can see it now... watch when May comes around I'm gonna be complaining of the heat... but for now I'm hopeful and expecting lots of fun in the sun especially because i will be looking fabulous in my new outfits
I went to the yoga class at my gym today, loved it ... realizing how much i miss dancing. I want my flexibility and core strength back. Nothing like some leaps and turns to stabilize your core but palates and yoga are gonna be my best friends from now on ...
Funny fact about guys at gyms (i swear guys are so obvious) so its my first time at this class and when i go to a class i usually like to stand/ sit in the front so i can see the instructor. i picked a spot close to the teacher but since I'm new i don't want to be smack in the middle so i sit next to the glass wall. It divides the classroom from the rest of the gym parallel to the elliptical and treadmills. so I'm in class and in zen or what not and from the corner of my eye i keep spotting guys going to the drinking fountain that is right next to the classroom. one two three four guys have walked by,, im all in downward dog and they just keep walking by acting like they are so dehydrated Like why do they have to walk clear across the gym to use this particular drinking fountain ??
i mean am i being paranoid or are they checking the girls in yoga out ?? either i had never noticed before cuz i was really into the work out or today guys where genuinely thirsty..... either way it was kinda funny
Sunday, February 20, 2011
cloudy skies and rainy eyes
Sundays are boring !!
I still haven't got the courage to go to ysa ward
Dont know what it is , going back to church is hard enough. Doing it alone is twice as hard.
beginning to realize that im scared of meeting people
Maybe its because of that horrible dream i had the other night where all these girls where bullying me and i just sat there panick stricken in fear of embarrasment i dont know just a thought ... im not the type to sit around and let anyone bully me but in this dream it happened ...
Im growing impatience with this weather
at least i have and excuse to wear my chucky fur trimmed boots right ...
this kinda weather calls for a blanket a cup of hot chocolate and a good movie... instead ill blog and watch you tube makeup gurus
Friday, February 18, 2011
Sunny but cloudy weird combination
we live in Arizona i don't expect anything less
one thing i hate about cars... every time i wash mine it rains!!! grrr very upsetting
30 by 30,
outfit of the day
Pleasantly surprised
My how fun it is to find lil rings laying around the house ... i found this in a drawer the other night when i was scavenging for batteries and when i saw it I said, "Ahhhh this is nice !! where is his owner and why are they so mean to this poor little ring sticking him in here to never be worn ...." my mind is weird like that
Anyway its my sisters but im borrowing it for the time being
I should organize my accessories huh, but since I'm painting my jewelry drawer today i think it can wait
I'm excited to show you guys my revamping project your gonna love it :)
Anyway its my sisters but im borrowing it for the time being
I should organize my accessories huh, but since I'm painting my jewelry drawer today i think it can wait
I'm excited to show you guys my revamping project your gonna love it :)
cant sleep
I'm sorry Ive been really neglecting this blog as of late. I guess it goes to show the reality of my life ... i feel like i have been letting myself down lately, doing things that are not me. Trying to do too much when all i need to do at this point in my life is focus on me and my true happiness.
things that i know:
i miss my ex
it will never work out
my emotions are all smeared in confusion inside my mind
dating is awkward and i hate it
men are really disappointing me
music makes me feel better
while I'm sitting here crying about how horrible i feel emotionally my friends brother Jalen just beat cancer and he is only ten years old !!
miracles do happen
i will try to find my happiness alone for now knowing that i don't need a man to complete my life a companion is always nice but for now flying solo is less baggage ...
things that i know:
i miss my ex
it will never work out
my emotions are all smeared in confusion inside my mind
dating is awkward and i hate it
men are really disappointing me
music makes me feel better
while I'm sitting here crying about how horrible i feel emotionally my friends brother Jalen just beat cancer and he is only ten years old !!
miracles do happen
i will try to find my happiness alone for now knowing that i don't need a man to complete my life a companion is always nice but for now flying solo is less baggage ...
Monday, February 14, 2011
You animal!

Here are some week end photos.
On Sunday my family and i spend the whole day at the Wildlife Zoo located here in Phoenix. It was truly a fun packed day. We got to see so many exotic animals. The baby nursery was my favorite there was a baby kangaroo and cheetah babies as well . It was nice spending time with the familia.
I got to touch a sting ray!!! they are super slimy but soft it was awesome... i also touched a sea urchin and a starfish
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
mud face
Don't be scared !! its only a mask ...
my face has been feeling better lately no more major zits or massive breakouts
but just in case the lil critters decide to come back i got just the thing
this lemon mask makes my skin feel so soft
and it claims the deep cleaning agents will reduce my pores size and lessen my blackheads hmm that's always good right
i was trying so hard not to laugh!! this mask hardens and smiling and laughing makes it crack.. As you can see i was having a difficult time keeping a straight face
Monday, February 7, 2011
Aug 12, 2010
This picture was taken January 2011 first month of my hair journey
My hair has barely grown since august noooo! but that's partly my fault you see i have a thing for split ends once i feel them coming i need to chop!!
That will change this year. I am officially not gonna freak out if my hair isn't perfect or try anything new with my hair i just want some length again and to keep it as healthy as possible
im trying this shampoo and conditioner
i love it ahhh !!
at first i was kinda skeptical because my hair felt "not washed" what is not washed you might be asking umm like sometimes when you don't wash your hair it can start feeling kinda soft from your natural oils and also kinda thick and filmy but i guess thats from the protein in the shampoo
so far my hair feels way stronger and healthy so ill keep using it and see if it helps with my split ends that way i don't have to cut so much every time i trim it
longest hair touches the bottom of my neck in the front and I've decided to grow out my bangs
gonna start taking pre-natal pills to see if it helps with my hair growth and also maybe clear up my face a lil
This picture was taken January 2011 first month of my hair journey
My hair has barely grown since august noooo! but that's partly my fault you see i have a thing for split ends once i feel them coming i need to chop!!
That will change this year. I am officially not gonna freak out if my hair isn't perfect or try anything new with my hair i just want some length again and to keep it as healthy as possible
im trying this shampoo and conditioner
i love it ahhh !!
at first i was kinda skeptical because my hair felt "not washed" what is not washed you might be asking umm like sometimes when you don't wash your hair it can start feeling kinda soft from your natural oils and also kinda thick and filmy but i guess thats from the protein in the shampoo
so far my hair feels way stronger and healthy so ill keep using it and see if it helps with my split ends that way i don't have to cut so much every time i trim it
longest hair touches the bottom of my neck in the front and I've decided to grow out my bangs
gonna start taking pre-natal pills to see if it helps with my hair growth and also maybe clear up my face a lil
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Shine on me
I'm so good at acting like I'm getting paid for these pics haha!!
How do you ladies like my catalogue smile isn't it fantastic
Today was a fun. My sisters and some our friends all went to the Arizona science center. It was lots of fun n learning we got to see the Body Worlds 3 exhibition i loved it ! my sister got a lil dizzy she's a lightweight when it comes to blood and guts ... my favorite part was getting to see the different stages of pregnancy.
Its crazy to think about how the body is made up of all these interconnected systems and how they all work together to sustain a little thing called human life.. Experiencing that brought a whole new appreciation for the stuff that we are made of ... the whole time i was thinking wow i have all those organs how do they all fit in my lil body its so mind blowing to me.
booties-guess my fave
blue jeans- Dillard's
tank and shirt- both from last chance
pea coat -k-mo mo
catching up
Sorry guys I've been a little under the weather lately ... i been trying to do the 30 x 30 challenge but to be honest i been less than awful at it not gonna lie...
My biggest problem right now is that i don't have a cool camera anymore since i was using my then boyfriend's
Doesn't that suck ...
I've been looking around checking my options but nothing catches my eye so i guess for now just gonna have to do phone pics which are my least favorite
Here are some of whats been going on
like i said i haven't been feeling so good and it shows
for some reason the neutral colors have been calling my name lately
i tend to reach for them when the weather is cold like its been these past couple of days
My biggest problem right now is that i don't have a cool camera anymore since i was using my then boyfriend's
Doesn't that suck ...
I've been looking around checking my options but nothing catches my eye so i guess for now just gonna have to do phone pics which are my least favorite
Here are some of whats been going on
like i said i haven't been feeling so good and it shows
for some reason the neutral colors have been calling my name lately
i tend to reach for them when the weather is cold like its been these past couple of days
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