Friday, November 5, 2010

second chance

 I ran a light... not on purpose.. OKAY, OKAY  i ran it so i deserve a ticket !!but there was nobody around and it was late . on a street that was only a three way stop. so my risks of an accident where slip to non existent ... enough explaining i got the dumb ticket. stupid camera flashed me!! FU camera go find some friends or something ,,,  Weeks later i received my present in the mail....since i had no previous violations they allowed me to complete a course of driving school to clear my name .  i  don't get points on my license and i get to pay less for the violation ... long story short i ended up in stupid driving school way up in Scottsdale but it was four hours of boring talk and to top it off the classroom was freezing . Not a good combination. i was in a classroom full of mummies. (snow birds they call them) . ii took for-freakin-ever but i finished sitting there (4 1/2 hours later my back was killing me by then) and that i guess is supposed to make me be a better driver ... i guess, anyway i am thankful that i took the class and avoided seeing a poppycock judge who's is just gonna lecture me and demand i give him my soul in exchange for no jail time bhabhab jk that couldn't happen for a red light violation. non the less i was glad i went to driving school and learned that the yield sign is white with red as opposed to yellow.

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